Wednesday, November 9, 2011

another you know you are an exchange student when...

I decided to do another one of these because i think of them all the time:

You know you are an exchange student when
- you unknowingly load money on your micro/ metro card everyday and actually find out it not necessary. haha lesson learned.
- when some one tells you that you speak well/ or have a good accent and you just give them the most ridiculous smile in the world.
-  you find it harder and harder to remember you own native language.
- you have a whole conversation completely in a different language and you feel so accomplished
- you have random homesickness moments and have done nothing to provoke them.
-  you are a part of like 10 different groups solely for exchange students on facebook.
-  the first words you learn in school are words you should never say.
-  you are talking to another exchange student and then realize you are both speaking spanish and understand eachother...coolest feeling ever.
- you discover hulu and pandora dont work, and you are crushed. ( But Chile did get all i need is the password. haha)
- you find yourself translating english songs and other things for your friends.
-you still have pictures you took at an outing in october but still haven't uploaded them to facebook yet.
- your new wears off
- every class becomes art class
- you discover there is no word for "akward" in your host language and that there is no way to describe "swag"
- you say you dont know the language just so you don't have to deal with sales people.
- you don't know how everyone is able to cross the street with out getting run over because the moment you take one step into the road, you come inches away from getting hit. and to make it better there is an extremely scary cross walk right next to school so everyday everyone gets to watch the crazy foreign kid play chicken.

- you have to constantly explain to your friends at school that high school in America is not like the movies at all and the parties aren't like the movies either.
- you cant tell jokes anymore because they just are not as funny in your host language.
- your friends at home just don't understand anymore
- when you try to convince yourself that a word in your host language is also a word in english...(entonces..definatly not a word in english)
- some english words sound wierd to your ears
- you see facebook posts in all different languages because you have friends all over the world
- you have to clarify which family you are talking about

real talk- thanks for reading :)

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